Tuesday 28 March 2017

Research and planning for music video

The song we are choosing is Bom Bom by Sam and the Womp, it came out in 2012 and since the music video has generated 31,340,411 and since has gained BPI: Gold and AUS: 4× Platinum and debuted at number-one on the UK Singles Chart with 107,461 copies sold in its first week. 
Sam and the Womp are a British pop group consisting of trumpeter Sam Ritchie and Dutch-born singer Bloem de Wilde de Ligny but is better known as 'Bloom'. Their style isn't tradition mixing with elements of Balkan music and ska with a bit of modern electronic and dance elements. 

The song on a blank piece of paper is literally just nonsense lyrics revolving around the party rave and dance culture, the band has came out and said it centers around the dance called the 'womp' which they reference several times within the song. Ritchie the trumpeter of the band told The Daily Star regarding the song: "It started off as a funky, brassy instrumental. 
Bloem, who's known as Lady Oo, was dancing in the band but was promoted to vocal duties and it became a fully fledged pop song." The genre of the song and band is a twist of ska, balkan music and elements from the dance and techno genre, this is clear in other songs such as 'ravo' and their music videos using strobe lighting and absurd scenery. 

Their style of music definitely links up with their dress style, as seen in the picture they dress quite 'out there' almost abstract. Wearing bright, colourful clothes like the themes in their songs and music videos. 

Planning the video.

Music Video Synopsis

Song title: "Bom Bom"
Artist: Sam and the Womp

First Verse:

The music video will start with introducing the different characters that we will have in the film, we will have several characters ranging from younger people to older all of different styles. The whole theme of our music video will be following the unconventional style that the lyrics portray not really making sense or going with a normal narrative, going down the absurd/surrealist route.  " I'm the cat with the bass and drum" This is the first line of the song and this is where we introduce the main character, this person will continue to return in the song, rather than be shown once.


 The whole theme of our music video will be following the unconventional style that the lyrics portray not really making sense or going with a normal narrative, going down the absurd/surrealist route. 
It will take place in rooms with white walls and backgrounds, an idea we have is using a white sheet, and covering it in different patterns, and weird props and to have people dancing in front of them. during the video the camera will stay stationary, but the camera itself will change, for example using a Go Pro for a 'fish eye' effect, and using different lenses to change the focal points. " I'm so cool and I'm so groovy when I go bom, bom, bom". This is the main chorus lyric, its short and snappy this chorus does not fit the conventional chorus, most songs have at least five lines. 

Second Verse:

The second verse will be very similar to the first,  but we will be changing locations and backgrounds, for example the first verse is against a white background, and a white sheet covered in props. For the second verse, we will be using garages and open fields. 


The chorus will be the same as the first, using the fish eye lens to create a weird mood and using different lenses to change the focal points, for this chorus the props will be used more to create random dance moves. The chorus is repeated again at the end so the last chorus, will be slightly different only focusing on the main characters and cutting from different locations and backgrounds. 

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