Thursday 5 January 2017

Types of brief assignment

Negotiating a brief:

When working with the James Paget we had given them an formal brief which gave examples of the content that would be included such as music in the background, talent for care, interviews with key managers and staff. Given the template they sent it back saying that it was acceptable, with room to negotiate we had some room such as not needing to include any Go Pro footage or Vines and trailers. But the main points such as the audience, length and message of the film- it being a corporate video about advertising in a hospital with a company we couldn't really make it unprofessional by altering the brief in many ways, for example changing "who should be in it" and adding patients to the list. 

Within the media industry when you are given a brief you can interpret it to some extent but would obviously have a certain degree that you could do, for example you couldn't interpret it to over step any legal issues. Constraints are an issue with making any corporate videos legal, ethical and regulatory issues the most important issue to deal with when you are given a brief. The constraints that we faced when we were given our brief were mostly ethical issues due to it being filmed in a hospital, things such as patient confidentiality and not being able to wonder into certain areas of the hospital. 

After we finished creating and sent off our corporate video to the James Paget, we received feedback about areas that we needed to change such as certain audio problems and issues with the continuity of it the big problems was the fact that we only managed to get one interview suitable for the video due to the other one being out of focus throughout. Our client had set us up for an interview which turned out not to be suitable for the type of video that we were making, they wanted us to change the overall aspect of it from AHPS to Consultants which we easily done in the editing process. When reading through our brief we then done research on the area and looked at the hospital map so we could plan out what we should film and when, we had a few days of filming but due to implications from the hospital and un organisation we couldn't obtain as many shots as needed but this was the problem with the rest of the class. Because of this we had to mix together everyones footage and take bits from everyone to combine them to eventually have final products, this was a problem and meant the final products weren't up to scratch. 

Amendments can be done in other ways such as amendments to the budget, fees and other things during the production you could realise you are low on money half way through production you would then need to get in contact with the client and discuss these issues. Budget issues can arise when filming due to locations, or actors costing more than expected or needing better/more equipment during. Also things such as the filming length amendments might need to be made to talents contract if they need to be paid extra or if the talent for any reason is unavailable for extra shooting days.

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